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What causes acid reflux? How is it different from stomach disease?

What causes acid reflux? How is it different from stomach disease?

Acid reflux, what is the cause?

Heartburn in English is GERD. It is brought about by stomach corrosive streaming back up into the throat. These acids have exceptionally high fixations. Makes harm the throat. also, the sensitive covering of the throat It even causes irritation. Typically, corrosive or gastric juice can’t ascend into the throat. besides during gulping or when the lower sphincter unwinds unusually.

What are the symptoms of acid reflux? Is it severe?

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Acid reflux symptoms are divided into 2 systems as follows:

1. Side effects that happen in the throat. There will be a sensitive throat, trouble gulping, and an inclination like there is an irregularity in the throat. Ongoing consuming tongue, snugness around the chest, like heartburn. This side effect as a rule deteriorates after a primary feast. Inclining forward, lifting weighty items, or lying on your back.

Mainly, there will be a consuming sensation in the chest, harsh burping, and a sensation of corrosive which is sharp water. Or on the other hand the severe taste returns up in the mouth. This condition can cause esophagitis. Assuming it is awful to such an extent that it causes extreme injuries. It can make the throat limited or change the cells of the food lining.

2.ย Symptoms outside the esophagusย There will be a chronic hoarse voice.ย Often have a hoarse voice in the morning.ย Or have an abnormal voice, chronic cough, and feeling choked at night.ย Or in some cases, there may be respiratory symptoms such as asthma or chest pain. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, it may be a sign that you are beingย “Acid reflux disease”ย threatens

Is acid reflux dangerous?

Regarding the matter ofย acid refluxย , Assoc. Prof. Warocha Mahachai, head of the gastrointestinal unitย Chulalongkorn Hospital provides information thatย althoughย acid reflux is not a life-threatening disease like cancer or heart disease,ย acid refluxย is a disease that creates suffering for patients, causingย acid refluxย patients to have a higher quality of life and efficiency. work decreased

Because of indigestion illness There will be endlessly bulging, like side effects of gastritis. Along these lines, a great many people will quite often expect that You might have stomach sickness. furthermore, went to purchase stomach ulcer medication to take without help from anyone else making the treatment not be at the point Particularly Thai individuals, we frequently prefer to purchase medication to take ourselves. Furthermore, I think going to the specialist is no joking matter. As of late, indigestion infection has been found to build to an ever increasing extent,” said Assoc. Prof. Warocha

. Whenever inquired as to whether heartburn sickness is risky, the response is that on the off chance that you have indigestion, seek therapy rapidly. Or on the other hand cause the side effects of indigestion to vanish and there will be no side effects by any stretch of the imagination. In any case, on the off chance that you leave the side effects of heartburn for quite a while, May cause irritation of the throat. The injury was serious to the point that it became choked. Or on the other hand it tends to be disease of the throat, yet… this seriousness is just 1%.

Acid reflux: Who is at risk?

GERDย It is a popular disease among young working people, actors and actresses, especially office ladies.ย who likes to eat, eat, eat, sipย Eating food at irregular times and in a hurryย Including people who like spicy food, drink alcohol, smoke, eat food and then go to sleep immediately.ย There is a high risk.ย If you have bloating, flatulence, belching, burning pain in the chest and epigastric region and spread up to the chest or neck.ย You should consult a doctor.

Acid reflux can also occur in infants and older children.ย In young children, symptoms that should be thought of as havingย acid refluxย include frequent vomiting after nursing, anemia, inappropriate weight and growth, chronic cough, asthma, and chronic pneumonia.ย In some children, there may be problems with sleep apnea.

If you have acid reflux, what should you not eat?

Avoid greasy food, fried food, food prepared with raw onions, garlic, tomatoes, chocolate, nuts, candy, butter, eggs, mint, as well as food that is spicy, sour, and extremely salty because they contain a lot of gas.

+ Do not add vinegar to food.ย Because it will increase stomach acid.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย +ย ย You should not drink milk on an empty stomach.ย Because milk is a food that is quite difficult to digest.ย Therefore, the stomach must secrete a lot of extra acid.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  + Avoid tea, coffee, soft drinks, beer, liquor, soda because they contain gas that increases stomach volume.ย As for alcohol, it stimulates the esophageal sphincter to open.ย and allowing acid from the stomach to more easily rise into the esophagus

+ย Don’t chew too much gum.ย Because chewing gum increases saliva secretion.ย Makes you swallow more salivaย and increase the swallowing of air into the stomach


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